Recognizing Smith Co.’s History of Racial Terror & Its Legacy Today


Building a Future of Reconciliation: Empowering Our Community with Truth and Resilience

We Remember Tyler's mission takes on even greater urgency in this critical moment. As the winds of change blow, we confront daunting challenges as forces work to erase Black history and as looming threats arise against the hard-fought protections of the Civil Rights Era. Our purpose is clear: to ignite a passionate movement of community awareness, education, and public reckoning, breathing life into the forgotten narratives and fortifying the foundations of justice and equality.

Amidst a climate of erasure, we stand firm as guardians of truth. Our mission to install lynching memorials holds profound significance. The selective public memory of our local history of racial violence and terror compounds the harm of complicit officials who perpetuated the dangerous otherness thrust upon Black people for generations. By erecting these powerful symbols, we send a resounding message that the richness of our shared history will not be silenced. As we bear witness to the mass violence that scarred our past, we resolutely declare that the dignity and resilience of the Black community shall be etched into the collective memory of our present and future.

Our commitment to community awareness, education, and public reckoning has never been more crucial. In a world where Black history is marginalized and erased, we refuse to let the voices of the past fade into obscurity. Through dynamic public talks, presentations, and art exhibits, we illuminate the richness of Black history, the transformative power of the Civil Rights Movement, and the ongoing struggle for human rights. We invite our community, the whole community, to join with us as we embark on a journey of discovery and understanding, unearthing hidden narratives and challenging the forces that seek to repress them.

As threats against Civil Rights Era protections loom large, we must redouble our efforts. Our projects are a testament to our unwavering commitment to preserving the legacy of those who fought for justice. By writing, publishing, and producing multimedia resources, we amplify the voices of the marginalized, fostering empathy, and inspiring transformative change. Our annual memorial service, now held on the downtown square, should be moved within the sacred walls of Tyler's Black Churches, to serve as a powerful testament to the resilience of a community that has persevered through oppression.

Together, in this pivotal moment, we march forward, armed with the knowledge that our mission is timely and imperative. Let us join hands, ignite a wave of awareness and activism, and ensure that the rich tapestry of Black history remains honored and respected in the fabric of our society. By remembering, celebrating, and standing against injustice, we forge a future where the erasure of Black history and threats to civil rights are confronted head-on, ultimately paving the way for a more just, inclusive, and equal society.

Unveiling Tyler's Path to Healing:
Guided by Truth, Resilience, Reconciliation, and Dignity

In the heart of Tyler, a transformative movement unfolds, spearheaded by We Remember Tyler. Our journey is fueled by an unwavering commitment to four core values that lie at the foundation of our work, propelling us towards a future defined by healing, unity, and empowerment.


First and foremost, we embrace the power of Truth. It is an unyielding force that demands to be heard, cutting through the veils of forgotten narratives, intentional erasure, and the silence that has shrouded Tyler's racial segregation and animus. Many among us remain unaware of the deep scars inflicted by racial terrorism and oppression that have permeated Smith County's history, their reverberations echoing through our present reality. We must illuminate the shadows of the past, unraveling the threads that bind our community, to forge a path forward guided by knowledge, understanding, and empathy.


In the face of adversity, we embody Resilience. We refuse to succumb to victimization, choosing instead to embrace the strength and determination that dwell within us. By reckoning with the truths of our history, we find the fuel to empower ourselves and shape a future defined by progress and unity. Let our efforts be viewed as a beacon of hope, an opportunity for healing and triumph over the wounds of the past. Through resilience, we not only honor the legacy of those who have suffered but pave the way for generations to come, empowering them to rise above the constraints of history and create a future rooted in justice and equality.


At the core of our vision lies Reconciliation, a profound yearning for a united Tyler. We hope to foster community conversations, craft solemn ceremonies that give voice to the stories of racial terror and its victims, and provide educational materials that offer our generation and the next a profound understanding of our shared past. Reconciliation thrives when truth is embraced as the most powerful tool of atonement. It is a transformative journey that cannot be embarked upon without facing our collective history honestly and openly. Together, let us strive for a Tyler that is marked by genuine unity, where racial reconciliation takes root, and where the wounds of the past serve as catalysts for a brighter future.


In our pursuit of justice, we honor the principle of Dignity, striving to restore what has been unjustly stripped away from marginalized communities. The stories of those who endured racially motivated violence and exploitation have long been disregarded, overshadowed by a system that sought to demean and diminish their worth. We refuse to let their voices remain unheard. We stand as advocates for their dignity, determined to weave their narratives into the rich tapestry of the African American experience in Smith County. Through our efforts, we aspire to bring forth the recognition and respect that has long been overdue.

Join us on this transformative journey, as we unlock the potential of Tyler, guided by Truth, Resilience, Reconciliation, and Dignity. Together, we will shape a future defined by unity, empathy, and the triumph of the human spirit. Let the echoes of our shared history lead us towards a Tyler that stands as a testament to the power of healing and a beacon of hope for generations to come.